Thursday, December 23, 2010

i have been working like crazy this week.
we are working with Soldier's Angels to send donated bags of coffee to troops overseas.
the other day, a young man came in and pulled out his dog tags and said he had committed to serving overseas in two years.
when he turns eighteen.

i told him he was brave.
i told him that was an extremely respectable decision.
but, my heart broke for him.
what kind of system would allow a sixteen year old to commit to fighting a war?
what was he thinking?
he is so young.
but as he spoke it was so clear he was proud of his decision.
he told me about his brother who will be one of the few who gets to come home for the holidays.
the pride for his brother was undeniable.

i wish him and his family a very merry christmas.
and i wish our troops overseas a safe and peaceful holiday.

looking forward to heading home myself!

1 comment:

  1. wow. what a great doodle. the detail is amazing. it makes me sad to think about families not together because of war. boo.
